School, Life & Sex – Version 0.5 + Walkthrough

Date: 30.04.2017
Language: English
Version: 0.5
Censored: No

Info: You play a young guy called Jackson. His real parents died during a car accident when he were 14 years old. Now he lives with his stepmother and stepsister in a small apartment. Take your chance and build a special relationship with the girls you meet ingame. All the characters will have own personalities, secrets and desires.

What is this game about?
It is a choice based Dating Simulation/Visual Novel/Erotic Game. You’ll be making decisions that may change the storyline in different ways.

Changelog 0.5 – This is version for 10$ patrons so everything is included.
– Fixed Performance (loading game, animations should not cause lag anymore)
– More Content (no spoiler)
-1 Animation (3 Animations are available for people who pledge $10)
– 1 Extra scene with Ameri & Aaron ($10)
– 1 Scene is different for people who pledge $10


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10 thoughts on "School, Life & Sex – Version 0.5 + Walkthrough"

  1. James T. says:

    I’ve tried to download this 8 times already (4 of Rapidgator link & 4 of Uploaded link), & EVERY TIME it stops a quarter to halfway through & says “the file cannot be downloaded”. Not to mention that it takes way too long to download it using Fileboom (it takes just over 5hrs to download it through Uploaded & just under half of that on Rapidgator, but both of them do not allow the game to complete the download). So I was forced to get a lesser version (v0.4) Just thought i’d let ye know.

  2. miladmin says:

    Hi, well yes sometimes people have problem with those bigger files but i have one more link so try to download from here if you want with little higher speed

  3. James T. says:

    UploadRocket doesn’t work for me- tried 4 times, which it froze every time.. the first 2 times it didn’t even make it past the first download screen where ye click the free download link, then the other 2 kept freezing and wouldn’t load past the download capcha screen.

    Do ye have a torrent of it which I could download?- that would be a heck of a lot easier for me without all the damn ads and pop-ups freezing everything. If ye don’t, then i’ll just have to use another site that has a previous version because atleast their links are proven to work properly.

    1. miladmin says:

      I created another link for you so try please with this and tell me if everything is ok now. 🙂

  4. James T. says:

    If that is a direct download, like most google drive downloads.. then it will take me several hours atleast, if not more. I’ve done google drive downloads before and they tend to be slower than even FileBoom (which is the slowest for me).

    This is why I asked if ye had a torrent for this I could download, because using BitTorrent- I can download a 2 GB in around 4 hours (which would take me a day or more for direct download). I just downloaded a HOG Game that was just over 900 MB and it only took me about under 2 hours to download with the torrent.

    I will try this google drive download, but it will have to be overnight..

  5. zdenek5999 says:

    ani jeden okaz nefunguje

    1. miladmin says:

      Do you have problem with corrupted files or something else?

  6. malase says:

    link mega pls

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