Umichan Sorani – Version 0.1.3 (Full Game)

Year: 2018
Language: English
Version: 0.1.3
Censored: No

Info: As a busty girl, you need to get some cash to pay the bills, the easy way or the sleazy way.​

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2 thoughts on "Umichan Sorani – Version 0.1.3 (Full Game)"

  1. WinroxasFR says:

    please make a version as male protagonist ^^

  2. Ratin' Games says:

    So… An Umichan Maiko game where you don’t play as Maiko. No, I’ll bite, it’s an interesting idea to give the fan favourites their own spin offs, and in this case the absurdly busty Zytra is a good candidate. That being said, this is the same formula as the other smaller games; earn x amount of money by doing this task, but oh, you have to suck this guys dick first. It’s not bad, just a bit boring compared to the other games’ scenarios.

    ~tig old bitties
    ~the relationship between the two sisters is well written. The older is classic “proud protector” doing whatever she can for the family (usually involving inserting a dick somewhere), while the younger is cute as a button

    ~very melodramatic at times. This takes itself waaay to seriously for a spin off, with the subject material and tone being funny one moment and serious at the drop of a hat. There’s not enough time to develop plot lines and so you end up rolling your eyes a lot
    ~random choices in events can lead to instant game overs. Don’t, don’t do that
    ~quite short. I know it’s a spin off, and it’s supposed to be short… But wait, that’s not an excuse. Either make a full length game and add this as a side story, or put a bunch of these short stories together.

    Overall: not recommended

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