The Dangerous Road Home at Night – Version 2.0 + Walkthrough (Full Game)

Date: 19.03.2020
Language: English
Version: 2.0
Censored: Yes

Info: Play as 3 heroines, and find out the mystery of the disappearing schoolgirls.
What lies ahead: the truth behind the incidents, or a tragic lust-filled end?
The game plot is three girls must uncover a secret conspiracy, revolving around the disappearance of young girls in their small city, using skills gained from their respective professions. You will play as each one in episodic chapters, seeing the story from each of their perspectives. There is no combat in this game.
However, each character’s choices and decisions will affect those of the other characters as you play more of the game. Because the game has multiple endings, multiple playthroughs are required to unlock all of them.

Save file and walkthrough are in the patch folder which is included in the download links.

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3 thoughts on "The Dangerous Road Home at Night – Version 2.0 + Walkthrough (Full Game)"

  1. Lheonardot says:

    Great translation. The only issue for me is the loss of the etc files in the img folder, so the CG of the EXTRA don’t load. There also was a misplaced file (ed-1.rpgmvp) in picture folder instead of parallaxe. Can’t find those etc-1, 2 and 3 files though.

  2. WinroxasFR says:

    i could prefer have them as harem game instead of see them be fucked by many males

  3. Ratin' Games says:

    So the premise here is that you have to guide each of these fine buxom anime babes to safety, with a fear system that you need to manage, and its a nice idea, just poorly implemented. I really like the fear system on paper, but in the game it just functions as a “poison” effect, wherein if it gets full you just instantly lose. It could’ve been so much more, the main problem I have with this game is that “adult games” often forget that they also have to deliver on being a fun game otherwise players are going to get bored quickly. While the game here delivers on the sex scenes, the rest of the game just isn’t fun.
    ~gorgeous artwork. The girls all look incredible and are well written to each have a great (and distinct) personality. Also busty anime girls are life

    ~so whenever your girl says anything, you need to save, because a choice is coming up and you don’t want to fuck up. The game even tells you to do this. Okay fine, but the devs are giving away the surprise, so not once do you feel like you don’t know what’s going to happen next. You can see threats coming as subtle as an train
    ~rather than having the fear system act as the higher it gets the more danger your girl is in, with the creeps you encounter just acting lewdly at first towards her then trying to have their way as the fear mounts – instead, nearly every single person and object you interact with will lead to an instant game over (after a sex scene). The ones that don’t, give you more fear,which as I said before, when fear fills you get an instant game over. Its a novel idea but gets old real quick
    ~I could do without the highly detailed “news reports” after you mess up about your character’s fate. I know I messed up just to get a sex scene, you don’t have to turn this into freaking “Taken”. Feels bad
    ~Moral of the story is; “every man wants to plough a big titty anime gal”, and while this may be true, the degree the game takes it to is laughingly absurd. Literally (almost) every male you meet is an abductor waiting to pounce, so after it becomes a real struggle to actually get through the game because you quickly realise that when everything you can interact with will end the game, what’s the point of interacting with anything?
    Overall: not recommended

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