Milftoon Drama – New Version 0.35 + Walkthrough (Part 4)

Date: 27.02.2021
Language: English
Version: 0.35
Censored: No

Info: Branch of one of the best artists of Milftoon and their developer has set out to create on of the longest sexual adventures online. Milftoon Drama revolves around our hero Joey who is getting ready for college and is desperate for some action before he goes there. Everyone is a target this sexual predator… from his teachers , his neighbors, his girlfriend and even targets from his own surroundings.
Will Joey make the right decisions? Do you have what it takes to guide him through? Only one way to find out!

Walkthrough for 0.35:
Start 0f 0.35
-Click on the Bed to sleep/scene from previous version
-Go to Map – PORT
-Get Gasoline Canister
-Go to MILFTOON SHOP – Drag/Drop Gasoline to Jason
-Go to JASON HOUSE – UPSTAIRS – Talk Gloria – Drag/Drop Gasoline to Gloria
-Go to MILFTOON SHOP – Drag/Drop BLACK BOX to Jason
-Drag/Drop CHECKBOOK on Jason
-Go Home – Parents Room
-Click on Linda
-Go OUTSIDE House – Get Package next to Post
-Go to PORT
-Ship/Boat should be there now. Drag/Drop Captain ID On Boat
-Go Home – Joey’s bedroom – Click on woman bending over
-Go to Guest room
-Go to MILFTOON Shop – Talk (click) on Jason
-Go to Police Station
-Go to MILFTOON Shop – Drag/Drop Weed on Jason
-Go Home – Click on woman bending over
End 0.35

Download links – Chapter 1 – Version 0.14: Download links – Chapter 2 – Version 0.26: Download links – Chapter 3 – Version 0.32:

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51 thoughts on "Milftoon Drama – New Version 0.35 + Walkthrough (Part 4)"

  1. Why only 200MB+
    Is this “Part 2”?
    Not full chapter?

    1. miladmin says:

      It’s original file from creator’s patreon. And after you will extract file, size will be much higher. 🙂

  2. wadawada says:

    How do I unlock gallery?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i don’t know really but i can provide you download links for save from version 0.13 and all pics from game, if you want? For some games there is usually code and that code you use to unlock gallery but for this game you probably need to see scenes and then you can unlock gallery. 🙂

  3. miladmin can you send me the gloria and kelly scenes pls?

    1. miladmin says:

      You want pictures from this scenes? Here is link:

      1. darldejesus says:

        I just want the mrs. gloria titjob video, only one I havent got.

        1. miladmin says:

          I have only this save from previous version 0.13 if it will help you:

  4. Sergej73 says:

    Help me i need know how play part 2?? thank you 🙂

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, what exactly do you need, program which you need to play this game, walkthrough or something else? 🙂

      1. Sergej73 says:

        i need txt how play part 2 i don’t know what need in part 2

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, i have this walkthrough for version 0.15:!hf5jGSpa!GBURKiF_DquOMfxk2iERGvNh8s_-m9Q8ThNLp61e5wU
          Maybe it can help you. 🙂

          1. Sergej73 says:

            here only version 0.15 and not about 0.16 and 0.17

          2. miladmin says:

            Hello, i found walkthrough for 0.16 and 0.17
            0.16 walkthrough :

            1. Go in living room. Talk with Linda.
            2. Go to pool area. Talk with Gloria.
            3. Drop tent in empty space in Pool area (between slide and bouncy castle).
            Joey will say that he needs tools.
            4. Go into living room. The tools are on the floor’s left side, the scissors on the right side of the room.
            5. Go back to Pool area. Drop tent on empty space again. This time a Changing room (tent cubicle) will appear.
            6. Go in living room. Talk with Linda.
            7. Return to Pool area. Talk with Gloria at her tanning bed. She will give you a bathing suit.
            8. Return to living room. Give bathing suit to Linda.
            9. Go to Pool area. Click on changing room. . Mini-pan scene of Linda changing.
            10. Talk with Gloria.
            11. Talk with Laticia, then Mrs Jackson, then Laticia, then Gloria, then Laticia
            (always selecting all options for each character) in precise order.
            12. All other girls should now have left except Linda and Gloria. Talk with
            Gloria. –scene–
            Walkthrough Version 0.17:
            1. Visit Linda in the kitchen during the morning.
            2. Go back to the Bedroom and get clothes from floor.
            3. Give Linda the clothes while she is in the kitchen.
            4. Wait until 14 then
            find her in the living room. Talk to her.
            5. Give her the hand bands.
            6. Wait until 19.
            7. Go to the bathroom and enter the bath.
            8. Sleep.
            9. Go to kitchen and read note on fridge.

          3. Sergej73 says:

            Thank you bro 🙂

          4. miladmin says:

            You’re welcome bro. 🙂

  5. Sergej73 says:

    hello i need about v0.18 walkthrough thank you

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i added walkthrough. 🙂

      1. Sergej73 says:

        Thank you 🙂

  6. Starbright01 says:

    Game won’t open on my pc I have Intel Core 2 Duo 3.00Ghz Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family 256MB Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit with 2GB ram pls help thankyou

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, well i don’t know how to help you because i don’t know minimum requirements for this game but tell me when you try to open game, something appear or not? 🙂
      Also here is link to forum for this game where devs help players so you can ask them about this problem

      1. Starbright01 says:

        nothing appears but it somehow tries to open but close immediately

        1. miladmin says:

          Okey, please register on forum for this game and ask devs this question directly, they should help you with this. I wish i can help you with this but i don’t know much about this problem. 🙂

  7. mhmhmh says:

    Go in Kitchen and use Wired Wireless Tablet on Switch
    where is the Wired Wireless Tablet

  8. Sergej73 says:

    Where is Walkthrough for v0.20?

    1. miladmin says:

      1. Go to living room and use phone, it will automatically call Gloria.
      2. Talk to Mom in her bedroom and call Gloria again.
      3. Sleep for 2-3 days, go outside and pick the box under the mailbox.
      4. Wait until 19:00, go to Mom’s Room and give her the Radio, after speaking with her, turn on the radio and leave.
      5. Click on her door again.
      6. Go to living room and talk to Mom.
      7. Give her your wallet (if you don’t have money, do the investigator procedure or press F12).
      8. Wait for 2-3 days and go to her room at 18:00.
      9. Go to the bathroom and talk to Mom.
      10. Give Gloria’s pictures to Mom.
      11. Go to the living room.

      End of 0.20

      1. Sergej73 says:

        Thank you bro 🙂

  9. Sergej73 says:

    yay nice 🙂

  10. Arezz says:

    Every version of this game i download its the ‘episode’ where you at your friends houes with the pool party, does it continue after that? its like the game i have is different from the walkthrough

    1. Arezz says:

      nevermind.. xD

  11. Arezz says:

    Hey friend, do you have the walkthroughs for i think it should be version 18+?

      1. Arezz says:

        No need to apologize, youre always super fast. :)thank you!

        1. miladmin says:

          You’re welcome friend, thank you too. 🙂

  12. sincapseli says:

    i can begin to game v0.15. why can’t I play the game from the beginning

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, here is part 1 (Up to version 0.15):!C3B0BKqT!sssaOJz3ZTbrMeFYuww0ctZzTi56NNrfaSShaMBLnL8
      Sorry for waiting. 🙂

  13. WinroxasFR says:

    i hope it will be full soon ♥

  14. BurgerMan says:

    Any mega links, please?

  15. malase says:

    Any mega links, please?

  16. Rusty says:

    Is there a walkthrough for.27

  17. Demon says:

    The walkthrough in the pic is for v.30

  18. demon says:

    the WT in the last pic is for v.30 ….. is there a WT for v.31?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, new walkthrough is added. 🙂

  19. xddd says:

    WT for 0.25+?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i have walkthrough for up to 0.25 then for 0.30, 0.31 and 0.32 – If you want i can share it. 🙂

  20. sFgcl says:

    Can you uplod p1,2,3 in mega?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, for MEGA links please visit my second site 🙂

  21. daddy says:

    is v 0.35 part 4 available for Android , if yes but that not install, plz help

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, yes it’s available on but MEGA isn’t working, so you must download via Mixdrop, it offers the same download speed. 🙂

  22. zarif says:

    can i get walktrough for part 1 v0.35

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