Summer Holiday End – Info

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Hello guys and girls,

Just to let you know that I am back from holiday, so you can expect a ton of new content in next 2-3 days, I will work hard to post everything. 🙂

Stay safe,


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18 thoughts on "Summer Holiday End – Info"

  1. zblex2020 says:

    Have nice holidays. Thank you for great job you do.

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you. 🙂

  2. GamePlaySmart says:

    Happy holiday.

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you. 🙂

  3. lcw1972 says:

    Happy Holiday..:)

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you 🙂

  4. Cuchulin says:

    Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.
    Well, you and the guys making the games, of course…

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you mate for the kind words. 🙂
      Yes creator of the games are the most awesome people and without them all of this wouldn’t exist, so i think that we can’t thank them enough. 🙂

  5. Gas says:

    You scared me for a sec. I thought this was the end of your site. Thank you for the hard work you do.


    1. miladmin says:

      Haha, no no mate, i will continue to work hard as earlier. 🙂 Thank you too for being loyal visitor of site, i really appreciate that. 🙂

  6. noxaurea says:

    bonnes vacances

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you. 🙂

  7. Brice says:

    Welcome back. You’re main page appears to be broke. I’m using Firefox and just loaded a new VPN so I don’t know if that’s the cause. Thanks.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, can you upload screenshot on Imgur or something like that, just to see what can be the problem. 🙂

      1. Brice says:

        I’m sorry but I don’t know what Imgur is.

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, it’s service for pictures, but here is another one:
          If you can, do a screenshot and upload on this service. I will take a look what can be the problem with site. 🙂

          1. Brice says:

            I uploaded the pictures under the name Briceman. If no one else is having the problem then it is probably something to do with the new VPN I installed. By the way, this is only happening on the main page (Page 1). All other pages look good. Thanks.

          2. miladmin says:

            Hello, yes it’s probably VPN, but tell me, when you have this problem, click on for example “Completed Games” and again on first page. Do you see the same or it’s normal now?

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