Salome’s Kiss – Final Version 1.0 (Full Game)

Date: 26.04.2022
Language: English, Chinese
Version: 1.0
Censored: No

Info: Letitia Reed is an unremarkable woman in many aspects. Meek and mild, she prefers to keep her head down, and fears drawing undue attention to herself. As a governess to the wealthy Mortimer family, Letitia devotes her humdrum days in London to the schooling of her pupil, Clara, to better mould her into the image of an ideal lady.
Lurking beneath Letitia’s placid mannerisms, however, lay desires so intense they begin to unnerve her. As Clara matures, Letitia finds her feelings towards her maturing too – until, in the end, she can no longer bear it.
Driven to distraction by Clara’s sensuous brown eyes and her sweet, seraphic laughter, Letitia soon begins to question her sanity. Fearful that, eventually, something within her might snap, and she will do something she regrets, Letitia is bidden to leave her former place of employment, and to seek out work elsewhere.
Fortunately, Letitia soon discovers, in the pages of The Morning Post, a job offer which will grant her a means to escape her predicament. The Langley family are searching for a governess for their daughter, the unruly Genevieve – and, best of all, the family resides in the isolated Yorkshire moors, which seems as far away from London as it is possible to get.
Upon reading this advertisement, Letitia soon decides to hand in her notice. She will travel to Yorkshire, become Genevieve’s governess, and then – God willing – she will be able to forget about Clara.
Such was Letitia’s plan – but this plan, alas, soon goes horribly awry. Genevieve is not quite so young as Letitia first believed, and is, instead, a grown woman: already eighteen years of age. Genevieve is wilful and impetuous, but impossibly charming, and Letitia soon falls for her.
As time passes, the two women get far closer than a governess and her pupil ought, and then…​

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One thought on "Salome’s Kiss – Final Version 1.0 (Full Game)"

  1. Ratin' Games says:

    If there was one word I had to use to describe this game it would be… “lovely”. Probably not what you’d expect ona site like this, but this vn is just pleasent to experience, with a great story, excellent artwork, but it’s slow pace and lack of “TnA” will put off many.
    ~brilliant writing. The author(s) of this were clearly setting out to make a Jane Austin type story, and so the setting and characters fit perfectly. The whole forbidden lust is a hard subject to do correctly, but this manages to stick the landing.
    ~artwork looks great, you can tell at a glance who is who, and the adult scenes are really nice to look at
    ~lesbianism is something we don’t get a whole lot of on this site (not counting futa or all that) and I have to say it is a welcome addition for that alone. Add to the fact that 1 of your love interests is cute as a button and you get high marks from me
    ~a very slow burn. You’re going to be reading about half an hours worth of material before anything “exciting” happens, and while this was clearly the intentions of the devs, it will put off many players/readers
    ~not really a con, but due to the setting of ye olde Britain, there’s not much you can do with the sex scenes. Don’t get me wrong, they are exceptionally well written and drawn as is, but if you’re looking for something more than “making love” you’re going to be disappointed
    Overall; reccomended

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