The Tyrant – New Version 0.9.6

Date: 29.10.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.9.6
Censored: No

Info: The game will about the son (player) who returns from his year as an exchange student. It was his last year of school and he comes home to find a job. When he comes home he notices that some things have changed, badly. At home lives his mother, his step-dad and his two sisters (one younger, one older). His step-dad was always a good man and you and the family accepted him as a real dad. What has changed and why it “could be bad” will be revealed in the demo of the game. (No spoilers here)! Some will say, oh no, the typical incest mother/son, brother/sister game. But in this game it’ll be the players choice as to what content appears. The player can choose who he’ll romance, if he wants to start a romance with a family member, get a “normal” girlfriend and so on. He’ll get to choose which way he wants to do that, start a gentle love story, be an asshole who takes what he wants or corrupts them to earn money (example). The player can decide everything, for example: Whether to have a secret relationship with mom, a gentle romance with a girlfriend while forcing his sister into a relationship with a friend, who pays him for this. Or leave the family members alone and have several girlfriends instead.
So the player will decide everything in the game, what he wants to do and how he wants to play. Like a dating simulator. But this game will have a dark (rough and violent) background setting and there’s always rivals, which look to “steal” your girls; and the tyrant himself as named in the title. It’ll also be harder to archive your goals and there will be many ways to get there.
Almost all content will be avoidable.​

Version 0.9.6:
A short information about the basement and the new planned stuff for the basement. The basement itself wasn’t planned to be a special location, but I should’ve know better that when I create such a mystery about it, that everyone wants content for it. And because of the new ideas for more harem/group content I’ll change the way the events there can happen. More you can see in the event itself. The first main events for the basement will be added in the next event, I need the results of the outfit polls first. And maybe some of you have some other ideas too.
Changelog v. 0.9.6:
– Cassandra’s city trip on the weekend is ready (love path)
– Nicole’s love event, when you sleep with her in her room (love path)
– A new event in the basement, as introdution for the new options that are planned for the harem/group events there. (love/corruption/NTR)
To trigger this event all girls need to had their basement outings (Nicole, Cassandra and Alexis) and Davide can be alive or dead. Cassandra must be on corruption path, on her love path she’ll join the basement in an other update.
– The missing option to fail when you try to kill Frank and start the NTR event
– More changed images (better quality), the intro, most of the living room images, Alexis and Irina’s date,
– fixed more bugs

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18 thoughts on "The Tyrant – New Version 0.9.6"

  1. Hi Miladmin, Would you have this game with patches number 1, and 2, in the MEGA Link to download. If you do could you leave the link for me please to click on. For some reason I have issues with transferring patches into the game folder. Kind Regards Gus

      1. Once again I thank you.Regards Gus

  2. ole says:

    good game but for me l don’t like the the dark NTR side of it..and if you play the “good guy” there isen’t any new content since ver. 0.6…..maybe in the next?…

  3. I feel what the game lacks is decent animations there are hardly any at all. as for NTR’S they are easily dealt with by keeping your affection level for the ladies you want to per-sue above 5. It’s a decent game, but definitely needs quality animations to take it a step further.

  4. How to go on second date with Nico

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, check walkthrough 🙂

  5. Boo-t says:

    how to install three parts in one i get three images.rpa files and the game gives the traceback error please help.

    I’m sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

    Before loading the script.
    Exception: Couldn’t find file ‘images.rpi’.

    — Full Traceback ————————————————————

    Full traceback:
    File “C:\Users\MOJO\Desktop\Tyrant\The_Tyrant_0.9.1.part2\TheTyrant-0.9.1-pc\renpy\”, line 314, in bootstrap
    File “C:\Users\MOJO\Desktop\Tyrant\The_Tyrant_0.9.1.part2\TheTyrant-0.9.1-pc\renpy\”, line 308, in main
    File “C:\Users\MOJO\Desktop\Tyrant\The_Tyrant_0.9.1.part2\TheTyrant-0.9.1-pc\renpy\”, line 164, in index_archives
    fn = transfn(prefix + “.rpi”)
    File “C:\Users\MOJO\Desktop\Tyrant\The_Tyrant_0.9.1.part2\TheTyrant-0.9.1-pc\renpy\”, line 649, in transfn
    raise Exception(“Couldn’t find file ‘%s’.” % name)
    Exception: Couldn’t find file ‘images.rpi’.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, create a folder and there you need to extract all 3 files and you will get whole game folder. Extract is on right click. Tell me if it will work now but if not i will share you backup link with one file. 🙂

      1. Boo-t says:

        It shows the same error i have tried extracting separate and together the images.rpa files are not merging, sure please if you can give the full part in one thanks

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, sure no problem:
          Tell me if it works for you. 🙂

          1. Boo-t says:

            hey there admin its done and working thanks 🙂

          2. miladmin says:

            You’re welcome mate, i am glad that it works now. Also if you will need any help in the future, you can always ask me and i will answer as soon as possible. 🙂

  6. Janki Ballabh says:

    How to get these in which nicole give blowjob to davide and bruce in night

  7. Jerry Cotten says:

    some inconsistency is showing :
    i am not a gang-menber , though i can sell candy,
    cannot give gifts/dresses to Christine/M
    game asks several times for second date with Christine ?
    Cannot get Sophie(the redhead) pregnant . . .
    how to trigger 3some scene with Natascha ??

  8. Gus says:

    Hi Miladmin, I read that this project has been abandoned, can you find out if it’s true or not, most appreciated. regards Gus

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello Gus, sorry for the late reply. Yes this game is sadly abandoned.

      1. Gus says:

        Thanks mate, I thought as much. I hope someone else picks it up, it had a lot of potential. Gus

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