Fashion Business – Episode 4 – New Version 10.00 (1080p)

  • Date: 13.01.2025
    Language: English. German, French, Italian, Russian, Turkish
    Version: 10.00 (Episode 4)
    Censored: No
    Size: 7000 mb + 7830 mb
    Tags: Ren’py, Simulator, Erotic Adventure, Sexy Girls, Small Tits, Beautiful Ass, All Sex, Blowjob, Anal, Doggystyle, Hardcore Sex, Erotic Content, Forced, Groping, Lesbian, Bdsm, Sexual Training, Domination, Public Sex, Threesome, Blackmailing, Voyeur
  • Info: This Game is about Monica. Monica is a “Rich B*tch”. Monica is the Boss. Most of all Monica adores authority and to control people and she manages with everything not in a sensitive or delicate way. If Monica was your Boss, you would be likely fired. For certain, everybody has ever met their own Monica! Take part in her luxurious life. Monica is sure that her existence is going to be always the same! What do you think? If suddenly you appear as witness of her falling down lower and lower in the social standing??
  • Episode 4 – v10.00 Extra
    In the end, this update turned out to be the biggest in the development history of the Fashion Business epic!
    It consists of 3400(!!!) new images and lots of spicy animations!
    It includes only four storylines, but the events in them are rich in story content, with attention to detail. A lot of inspiration, working hours and love has been put into them!
    What’s New:
    Shiny Hole: Everyday life of a pub manager. What events could jeopardize Monica’s goals? What do Ashley, the Banker, and Molly have to do with it? And how will Claire help her? (a series of long animated scenes, Extra version content).
    Victoria: How will the tattoo parlor help unite the girls? Why does Melanie admit she likes it there? (long animated scene, Extra version content)
    Office: Continuation of husband auditions for Monica. Who is the next candidate and what new unusual role will Monica play this time? How will it all end for her? (very long animated scene, Extra version content)
    Phillip: Initiation Day… How will it end for Monica? Did Monica think what happened was even possible? (long animated scene, lots of spicy animations)
Download links – Episode 3 – Version 16:

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49 thoughts on "Fashion Business – Episode 4 – New Version 10.00 (1080p)"

  1. josewan says:

    No se como llegar a la noche de caridad

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, there is walkthrough inside, check it please and maybe it can help you. 🙂

  2. Prem Kaniki says:

    It will work for all pc na

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, all games on site are for Windows, but if you want Android or MAC versions you can check my second site:

  3. Remco says:

    Do you also have the hotfix 1 for this version?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, sadly i don’t have it currently.

  4. TheSeeker says:

    Hallo Leute
    Ich hätte da gleich zwei Fragen zu Fashion Business. Woher bekomme ich eigentlich den Code für Update Game.
    Und die zweite Frage ist etwas schwieriger zu beantworten. Man hat ja Ingame diese Quick – Save mit den Image. Gespeicherte Siele – Dateien weis aber eben diese Quick – Save nicht. Da die stören, insbesondere dann wann man etliche Dateien speichert. Kann man die überhaupt löschen ?

    MfG TheSeeker

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, sadly i don’t know German language but i will try to answer. 🙂
      About code for update i don’t have it but today i will update new version 0.17 on site so you will be able to download and play.
      About in game save i will check it just to download and upload the game. 🙂

      1. TheSeeker says:

        Hallo. Danke für Deine Info. Leider kann ich kein englisch. Ich finde Fashion Business ein tolles Game und sehr gut gemacht. SubscribeStar akzeptiert meine UBS Debit Karte nicht. Nun warte ich immer noch auf die Visa Karte danach sollte ich auch ein Premium Mitglied werden können. Grüsse

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, sure no problem, i always use google translator and don’t have a problem to understand. 🙂
          Yes i actually have same problem with SubscribeStar, but i hope that they will fix that soon. There is also a Patreon option for this game i think, i didn’t have any problem with them, and they accept even Paypal. 🙂

    2. auslander says:

      Zum “quick-save” (und auch alle saves) loschen: ziehe dein maus-zeiger uber das image and druck den “delete” key.
      **How’s that for high-school German haha**

      1. TheSeeker says:

        Hallo Auslander
        Also das mit dem quick-save löschen funktioniert so nicht. Aber trotzdem danke.

        Hallo miladim: Ich musste noch ein Formular für die Visa Karte wegen des Limits ausfüllen und absenden. Ich denke mir dass biss nächste Woche alles Ok ist.

  5. TheSeeker says:

    Hei auslander

    Also ich habe einen Fehler gemacht nun kann ich wie Du geschrieben hast die Quick – Save löschen. Danke

  6. TheSeeker says:

    Three times in a row Adriono is a bug, isn’t it? In FashionBusiness v17-720p-pc


    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, do you mean spell bug or you have a error in game? 🙂

  7. TheSeeker says:


    In the game. Escort Service im La Grande. Monica goes toLa Grande once a week. I went there 4times and each time Adriano came. If Adriano shows up every time this quest soesn’t go on. And what is this about the royal duties in the Shiny Hole? There are no royal duties? In any case this quest does not start.

  8. TheSeeker says:


    I reinstall the Game. It must be a mistake. Every time you visit La Grand Adriano comes, and Adriano again.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello The Seeker, i will try to see if there is some solution for this as soon as possible. Sadly i don’t have a time to play this game so i am not sure if i will be able to help, but i will try friend. 🙂

  9. TheSeeker says:

    The potoshoot is also a bit of a garbage. You have to go there 50 times in about for the swan costume for 24 pictures.

  10. Torey Mutt says:

    Any chance of you reuploading ep2 v16? This new update doesn’t include ep2 part 1 at all. Thanks!

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, sure i have links for previous version 0.16, just let me know which one you need and i will share in comments. 🙂

      1. Torey says:

        Thank you, I need the episode 2 v16. The latest I have is the v14.

        1. Torey says:

          That’s 720p pc

        2. miladmin says:

          Here are links for V16 –

          Let me know if you need some other host and i will post it as soon as possible. 🙂

          1. Torey says:

            Thanks! Of course, I only use Rapidgator. Sorry for not giving that information…

          2. miladmin says:

            Hello, sure here is Rapidgator link for previous version:

          3. Torey says:

            Thank you!!

  11. TheSeeker says:

    Can someone please explain to me what these are supposed to be royal duties. Or do you not know yourself? The owner of the Shinyhole keeps talking about these duties. Unfotunately there is no descripition of this


  12. TheSeeker says:

    I have to say that the Fashion Business is not what I had in mind. You go this shoot 1000times but the number of photos does not increase or just one photo. My interest in this game has sunk to zero today and I definitely won’t play it again in the coming months.


  13. TheSeeker says:

    What is the extra Version and how I download it?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, Extra Version is 1080p version and if you want to download here is backup link:
      Version which is on site is 720p version. 🙂

  14. TheSeeker says:

    Hi miladmin
    Thank you.

  15. TheSeeker says:

    Hi there.
    On Patreon I could now pay with my new credit card. You can’t subscribe. Card is rejected . As mentioned before Swizerland is not listed on the list of countries an I think that’s why.

  16. TheSeeker says:

    So I can’t pay with the card when I subscribe because the list of countries doesn’t include Swizerland.

  17. TheSeeker says:

    Also auf Subscribestar funktioniert die Karte nicht.

  18. TheSeeker says:

    Okay, what advantages do I have now when I am a paying member? I can’t see any benefits even if I’m a paying member there.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, you mean a paying member on Patreon or Subscribestar? 🙂

  19. TheSeeker says:

    Hallo miladmin
    Member on Patreon. I am now paying $30 a month on Patreon. If I saw an advantage I would pay more but it doesn’t make sense to me that way.


  20. TheSeeker says:

    Hello miladmin to say it again: Switzerland is not listed in the country settings on Subscribestar. So I can’t become a paying member because my card is not accepted.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, yes I have also problem with my credit card on Subscribestar, they don’t accept it for some reason. About rewards on Patreon for 30$, I guess that you will get new version + maybe some additional preview pictures from new version. That’s how usually creators reward their Patrons. 🙂

  21. TheSeeker says:

    hi there

    Excuse my english. Patreon is a fun site. I have been a $30 paying member since January 17th 2021. But when I go to Patreon Fashion Business Ver. 18 want to download or view I should pay another $30. So then fun stops somewhere with me.

  22. uhmokay says:

    I recently completed part 1 of Episode 2. For a better understanding: Right now the game consists of Episode 1 (Completed), Episode 2 (Part 1) and Episode 2 (Part 2). Now, I already commented on Episode 1 a while ago, giving the game a 6/10 simply because of the terrible English translation. I think the original language used here is Russian, and there are a couple of people “working” on translating the game into different languages. I found the first half of Episode 2 (Part 1) to be decently translated and would have given it a 9/10, or so I thought before the translation went downhill again, getting worse and worse with every new quest. It is pretty clear that the lazy translators simply used google translate, copy pasting almost every line of Russian, turning it into the most idiotic English I have ever seen in an Adult game. This simple fact makes the game look stupid and unprofessionell and turns a 9/10 into a 6/10 in my opinion. If the people “translating” the game would have a basic knowledge of the English language, they could have easily used google translate, take the braindead results and re-word it into something that would actually make sense and is enjoyable to read. But again, same as in Episode 1, they didn’t. It’s a shame as the graphics and story of the game is really good otherwise.

  23. Ant Zieg says:

    I don’t get how I should set up episode 3 if I haven’t played episode 1 or 2. Any hints would be fantastic.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, here is episode 1 completed –
      And for episode 2 let me know from which file host do you want to download and I will write link in the comment. 🙂

  24. David Caruso says:

    Ill wait for the 1080 version, but this game is phenomenal

  25. David Caruso says:

    Any idea when the 1080 extra version of ep3 v13 is going to come out?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, it will be available today on Adultgamescollector. 🙂

  26. Gfurtas says:

    “Just played #MonikasAdventure and blown away by the quality of the graphics, models, and sex scenes. The developer clearly put in a lot of effort to make this game stand out. Highly detailed and realistic character models + immersive gameplay = must-try experience #gaming”

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