Night of Revenge – New Final Fixed Version 1.07 Gallery (Uncensored Edition)

Date: 21.04.2023
Language: English and Japanese
Version: 1.07
Censored: No

Info: From the maker of Bullet Requiem back in 2015. The download is patched with the Uncensored assets and Mosaic Removal.

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389 thoughts on "Night of Revenge – New Final Fixed Version 1.07 Gallery (Uncensored Edition)"

  1. Carlos says:

    the new 0.16 version of night of revenge has already come out, if they could upgrade to it would be wonderful

    1. miladmin says:

      I will upload soon new version soon, thanks for info. 🙂

  2. Carlos says:

    Look me here again, has already released version 0.17 🙂

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for info, i am waiting for link and will post asap. 🙂

      1. Carlos says:

        Ok ok, thanks

  3. Gavlan Feel says:

    Version 1.18 is out guys! Oh yeah! Please update if possible.

    1. miladmin says:

      Thanks for info, new version will be available to download soon. 🙂

      1. Gavlan Feel says:

        Woah, so fast! That’s just amazing, thanks alot!

        1. miladmin says:

          Thank you too friend for info about new version. Enjoy! 🙂

  4. Gavlan Feel says:

    It seems that game has been updated to ver0.18_2 at october 10
    with difficulty rebalance and bug fixes, update if can, thanks in advance!

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, yes it seems that there is new fixed version 0.18.2 and currently i don’t have it but will try to find it soon. 🙂

  5. Gavlan Feel says:

    Version ver0.19 is out

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for info, new version will be available soon. 🙂

  6. Ryu says:

    Version 0.19 is released ! Update when possible please 🙂

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for info, new version will be available soon. 🙂

  7. Carlos says:

    Version 0.19 is now available 🙂

  8. Gavlan Feel says:

    Lol, this game is getting popular, nothing less to be expected from the hentai Dark Souls

  9. Ryu says:

    New version is out ! Update when possible 🙂
    Thanks !

    1. miladmin says:

      Currently i don’t have it, but will post it asap. 🙂

  10. Jitaq says:

    For whatever reason the game didn’t properly translate, there’s a weird mix of minority English and majority Japanese

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, this game is still in development and i think creator is from Japan so probably full game will be in English and Japanese. For now yes it’s mix of minority English and majority Japanese, but if you need some help you can ask me. 🙂

      1. Jitaq says:

        Ah, figured there was just something wrong on my end. Guess I’ll have to wait until the full game is out or something then, as there are some key parts to the game in Japanese and I can’t read it. It’s fair enough. Thanks

  11. Kira says:

    Version 0.21 is out, update please.

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for the info, new version will be available soon on site. 🙂

      1. Kira says:

        That was fast, thanks!

  12. Dracokid says:

    New version, 0.22, is out.
    Update please 🙂

    1. miladmin says:

      Update will be available soon, thank you for the info. 🙂

  13. Carlos says:

    The new version is available. Update if possible 🙂

    1. miladmin says:

      Update will be available soon, thank you for the info. 🙂

  14. NONAME says:

    new version 0.22!!!

  15. Kira says:

    2/18 Ver0.22 re-UP, it seems v0.22 were updated with something new, if possible please upload.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, this version is just reuploaded but there isn’t anything new. Creator is working on new version 0.23 with New H-Scene and Map. 🙂

      1. Kira says:

        That’s weird, no problems though, we will wait for 0.23. Thanks for quick response!

  16. Fanboi says:

    I really wish we could buy/support this game it is a lot of fun…

  17. Ryu says:

    New version is out 😀

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for the info, new version will be available soon. 🙂

  18. Kira says:

    Hm, it seems ver0.23_1 were released today, it has a google translation. Not sure if it has any other differenses.

    1. miladmin says:

      It’s just bugfix version. 🙂

  19. Kira says:

    Ver0.24 is out, please update. If D-lis keep updating the same way it will take about five or six years to complete the game lol.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, thank you for the info. New version will be available soon. 🙂

  20. Ryu says:

    Version 0.24 is up 😀

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, thank you for the info. New version will be available soon. 🙂

  21. Kira says:

    Bugfixed version ver0.24_1 is out.

    1. miladmin says:

      I don’t have it sadly. Sorry. 🙂

  22. Fanboi says:

    Is there no way to support or buy this game?

    1. miladmin says:

      There is actually a way but i don’t know Japanese language: If you want, you can try to support them. 🙂

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for the info, new version will be available soon. 🙂

  23. Carlos says:

    Version 0.25 is now available. Please update when you can 🙂

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for the info, new version will be available soon. 🙂

  24. Pete says:

    How do you leave the first level?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i think that you usually needs to find elevator to new levels and a way to activate them but i don’t have walkthrough for this game sadly. 🙂

  25. 3443 says:

    0.26 up

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for the info, i will try to get new version asap. 🙂

  26. bott says:

    0.26 is up

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for the info, i will try to get new version asap. 🙂

  27. jayes says:

    Version 0.26 is now available ?

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for the info, i will try to get new version asap. 🙂

  28. Gas says:

    How you get out of the church?

    1. miladmin says:

      You need to click on some altar in church and to choose level i think. 🙂

  29. Kira says:

    Ver0.27 is out, please update.

  30. Ryu says:

    Version 0.27 is up! This should be a good update 😀

  31. Carlos says:

    Version 0.27 is available. Update when you can 🙂

  32. TheNumberJ says:

    Version 0.27 is now available

  33. boqqq says:

    0.27 is up

  34. Kira says:

    Version 0.28 is released, please update when possible.

    1. miladmin says:

      Sure, thanks for the info. 🙂

  35. bott says:

    0.28 is up

  36. debil says:

    0.28 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Concerned Hentai Activist says:

      IS there anyway to see what is in the diff ver like patch notes? I found that the web page for the dev is in another langue and I couldn’t find a way to support the guy XD

      1. miladmin says:

        Here is some change-log which i found and about support you can do it only via Japanese version of patreon

        7/31 Ver0.28の主な変更点


        Bug Fixed


        Added last area’s entrance.

        Add items, if you can’t get items from chest, please message or tweet me.



        Add bull head demon
        Slaves and vagabond will drop lock pick.

        Add Gameover scene in “橋街区、見せしめの入り口”

        Add “黒い汚塊1” and “黒い汚塊2” ‘s birth scenes, different with slime’s birth scenes.

        You can use ESC+5 and ESC+6 to birth scene. 5 is slime, 6 is 黒い汚塊.


        Might add birth progress will make speed down debuff.


        ・新武器 無銘 湾れ刃(のたれば)を追加。
        ・新武器 牛頭の鎚大刀を追加。
        Add new weapon “無銘 湾れ刃(のたれば)”
        Add new weapon “牛頭の鎚大刀”

        無銘 湾れ刃はスラムにあります。
        無銘 湾れ刃は異質強化をするとロマン武器へと変貌します、また納刀時にも狭い範囲ですが当たり判定ありです。ロマン武器、一度お試しあれ!
        You can find “無銘 湾れ刃” in スラム area
        “牛頭の鎚大刀” will drop from bull head demon.

        Add weapon upgrade reset.
        You can reset weapon upgrade level by spend some イデア



        Target on July
        Add one more birth enemy.
        Gameover scene’s finish and after added
        Bug fixed
        Working on maps
        Weapon upgrade reset

        Add new enemy and 2 new weapon

        Target on August
        Will add magic combine system
        Working on last area’s map
        Add one more H-scene

        Will add new boss

    1. miladmin says:

      Thank you for the info, new version should be available on site today or tomorrow. 🙂

  37. Kira says:

    According to developer’s site, there is supposed to be english, Google translated version. It is possible to upload it?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i think that there exist only one version and only something is translated to English but full game will be probably completely in English. 🙂

  38. Kira says:

    Ver0.30 released, please upload when possible.
    Hope my grandchilds will see the final version of the game lol.

  39. Valentine says:

    UPDATE to Ver0.30 please!

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, yes i will add it as soon as i get the new version. 🙂

      1. Valentine says:

        thx, u are the best!

  40. HS says:

    How can I see ‘cum scrapping’ scene?
    I watched it from video.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, from which video? That’s probably in new version 0.30 but i don’t have it yet. 🙂

    2. Raphelps says:

      You first need to by pregnant from either slime or black slime. Then I think its hold down and the E button at the same time

  41. Halloween says:

    Thanks for sharing,but why there is a window in Chinese when open the game(ver 0.30)? The game is very good,but that window make me feel disgusted.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, this game is mainly in Japanese language, and only something is in English but full game will probably be with fully translation. 🙂

      1. Halloween says:

        I know the main language is Japanese.I mean the small window when open the game(maybe behind launch window).It must be Chinese,not Japanese.

        1. Gas says:

          Japanese uses Chinese characters for some words.

  42. Bangladesh says:

    Can you make a new titsfuck or multiple penis?

  43. Momokiri says:

    Can you make a new titsfuck or multiple penis

  44. Kira says:

    ver0.31 is out.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, thank you for the info, new version should be soon on site. 🙂

  45. badip90 says:

    For new version need crack? Hope new version will be as soon as posible

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i think that new version doesn’t need crack, it should be available soon. 🙂

      1. badip90 says:

        I cant understand new version is out or its comment about new version?

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, yes new version is out. 🙂

          1. badip90 says:

            Yes, thanks, but with this version again we have virus, trojan:win32/vacatac.b!ml in mono.dll

          2. miladmin says:

            Hello, i got new fixed version where you won’t have problem with that. Developer somehow fixed this false-positive problem. 🙂

  46. HS says:

    Only 1 H-scene added in 0.31 version?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, yes with tall man. 🙂

  47. 426htc says:

    Download servers, are paid and very slow, you do not know 4shared mediafire googledrive, and others. ?

    1. miladmin says:

      There is my second site but i need time to post all games there, and there you can download via mediafire, mega etc 🙂

  48. Thomas says:

    How exactly do you switch over to enlish? config option on the menu is greyed out and the two notepads aren’t translatable

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, actually game is mainly in Japanese( or Chinese) Language but something is on English and Full game will be completely translated to English. 🙂

  49. badip90 says:

    0.32 release!

    1. miladmin says:

      New version coming soon, sorry for waiting. 🙂

  50. Kira says:

    Yep, Ver0.32 update is out, upload when possible plz!

    1. miladmin says:

      New version coming soon, sorry for waiting. 🙂

  51. Kira says:

    Nice! Thanks alot for uploading my favorite hentai souls!

  52. akaki says:

    yo! such a fking great work I will support you later when I can. Can someone explain to me how to fix the english text in the status and sexual status menu please? I really want to finish this game with en subtiles..

    1. 0 Syrus says:

      If you don’t have winrar, recommend, here’s a link to a YouTube vid on how to get winrar Once that’s done, double click on what’s called SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe Once that’s finish, a note will show up that says
      NightofRevenge (Patch and Run).lnk Double click This should open the game. Now once you see any jap text, simply click on it and watch as it magically transform into English! Hope this helps bro! Happy Fapping!

  53. Freezie says:

    i can’t close the menu in game, i can open it but then i have to exit it fully as i can’t close it. can anyone help me with this?

  54. Freezie says:

    how do you close the menu and the tabs in the menu?

  55. Freezie says:

    it won’t let me close the menu when i open it. i think this is a bug and am wondering if anyone knows how to fix it.

    1. Freezie says:

      sorry, i couldn’t see the extra messages at the time, i’d delete them if i knew how to. again, sorry for that bit of spam

      1. miladmin says:

        No problem mate, i will allow all comments so you don’t need to worry. About problem with menu, can you take a screenshot, upload it here or in some similar pic host and i will try to help. 🙂

  56. Freezie says:, here’s the link, the icons for the sections at the top are blacked out so i can’t click on them and i can’t back out of the sub parts of the menu, like the weapon section i’m on now, i’d have to exit the whole game just to get back there, and it won’t even let me save it first

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i will look for this problem as soon as possible and will answer you in comment if i will find some solution. Sorry for waiting friend. 🙂

      1. miladmin says:

        Hey again, i will look today for this and if i will find some solution you can expect answer in comment. I am really sorry for waiting, i have had many games to review and post recently. 🙂

    2. miladmin says:

      Hello again, use button “Space” and with that you will go back in options. Tell me if it works for you. 🙂

      1. Freezie says:

        Using the Space Bar worked, thanks 🙂

  57. yasin says:

    pls mega link “)

  58. badip90 says:

    new version avaliable !
    please upload 0.33

    1. miladmin says:

      I don’t have it now currently, so i am sorry but it will be out on 02.01 because site won’t work from 31.12-02.01. Sorry for waiting. 🙂

      1. badip90 says:

        we are stil waiting 🙂

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, i got new version, it will be out on site very soon. 🙂

          1. badip90 says:

            can you add patch note?

          2. miladmin says:

            I don’t have it but i can say that one game-over scene is added, with 2 girls and i think some new enemy. 🙂

  59. Kira says:

    Yep, ver0.33 is out.

    1. miladmin says:

      I don’t have it now currently, so i am sorry but it will be out on 02.01 because site won’t work from 31.12-02.01. Sorry for waiting. 🙂

  60. badip90 says:

    0.34 out!

    1. miladmin says:

      Uploading now 🙂

      1. badip90 says:

        nice thank you! i’m really looking forward

  61. Trilux says:

    I thought the game would be in English when I downloaded it. Is there an option or something to do that?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, earlier there was a patch to change language to English, now i don’t have it but maybe it will be available in some of the next versions.

  62. Acanis says:

    .35 just released

  63. badip90 says:

    0.35 out! yeeeey

    1. Aber says:

      When it upload on site?

      1. miladmin says:

        I am waiting for link and after that will update asap. 🙂

  64. Carlos says:

    Version 0.36 came out, waiting for the upload ^_^

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i got new version, it will be out on site soon, just to post new updates. 🙂

  65. Minh says:

    When I download the link it tells me i don’t have an associated app to go with it? What do I need to install in order for me to play. I’ve never done this before

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, are you trying to play it from PC or MAC? I think that this game is only for PC. Also it’s created in Unity-3D software.

  66. Blek says:

    I saw that there was a new update from the creator on twitter. Thank you for all previous upload

  67. Henkame says:

    There was a new update on twitter, is it available?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, dev update game 1 time per month and it’s usually at the end of month. This was just some news about game. 🙂

  68. badip90 says:

    0.37 came out! ^_^

    1. BlankHaru says:

      but i cant fine the new scenes and secret room == cant read Japanese as well

  69. Blank says:

    But wheres the new enemy and secret room?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, here is how you can find secret room – with background animation: This is text + pics explanation: (Credit to seagoatdaddy for this walkthrough)

      In order of images.
      Start at this spawn
      Go right until you’re here
      Go up and right until you’re here
      Go left until you’re here
      Climb up and go right from here
      Go right until you’re here
      Go right and climb up, continue right
      Drop down and go left
      Interrupt the enemies H animations and pick up the key

      Cell Location:
      Start at save area in last post and go left until you’re here
      Climb up, go right, climb up, go left
      Climb up and go right, then climb up and go left again
      Go left and drop down
      Drop left
      Drop again until you reach the bottom
      Pull lever on the right for easy transport, go left for the cell

  70. BlankHope says:

    i cannot find the new enemies or the room. im sad :(. was in the white cathedral and nothing new

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, here is how you can find secret room – with background animation: This is text + pics explanation: (Credit to seagoatdaddy for this walkthrough)

      In order of images.
      Start at this spawn
      Go right until you’re here
      Go up and right until you’re here
      Go left until you’re here
      Climb up and go right from here
      Go right until you’re here
      Go right and climb up, continue right
      Drop down and go left
      Interrupt the enemies H animations and pick up the key

      Cell Location:
      Start at save area in last post and go left until you’re here
      Climb up, go right, climb up, go left
      Climb up and go right, then climb up and go left again
      Go left and drop down
      Drop left
      Drop again until you reach the bottom
      Pull lever on the right for easy transport, go left for the cell

  71. CW says:

    What is new H-action?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, here is how you can find secret room – with background animation (H-Scene): This is text + pics explanation: (Credit to seagoatdaddy for this walkthrough)

      In order of images.
      Start at this spawn
      Go right until you’re here
      Go up and right until you’re here
      Go left until you’re here
      Climb up and go right from here
      Go right until you’re here
      Go right and climb up, continue right
      Drop down and go left
      Interrupt the enemies H animations and pick up the key

      Cell Location:
      Start at save area in last post and go left until you’re here
      Climb up, go right, climb up, go left
      Climb up and go right, then climb up and go left again
      Go left and drop down
      Drop left
      Drop again until you reach the bottom
      Pull lever on the right for easy transport, go left for the cell

  72. doh says:

    new monster(butcher) area – underneath diocese (where you meet tentacle in pot for the first time)
    before new monster room there is lots of bloodstains on floor
    no h scene, drops new weapon

  73. Ben says:

    Man, I hope he adds a lot more stuff. Additional cum layers depending on how much she got fucked, clothes get ripped off completely, cum doesn’t disappear after the scene, but she stays coated in cum, adding cum inflation to her belly…

    Adding the option to surrender and let the monsters fuck her without fighting back would be cool as well, maybe a corruption system, where after getting fucked a lot, she starts enjoying it…So much potential…Also I need an english translation, if anyone knows of any please.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, for next version which will be soon (usually end of month) i will have translation and it will be available for every version in future. I play this game too so it will be great for all players. 🙂

  74. Kira says:

    Ver0.38 is out i think.

  75. blankhope says:

    so no new content?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, well i checked gallery and yes there isn’t any new scene but for other additions i am not sure. I will try to find tomorrow what’s changed. 🙂

      1. blankhope says:

        tqvm XD

  76. Ben says:

    New event at rodenia chapel. Other than that I haven’t found anything :/

  77. Egg says:

    anyone know how to get the new h-scene?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello i found some info, maybe it will help you:
      There’s a new dialogue system in the game that makes a bar along the bottom, instead of always being the floating text boxes.
      If you go back to Rhodenia, the 4-th area with the orange background, start from the left side and keep dropping down every chance you get, then you’ll run into two big sinner slaves talking about onaholes. You can choose to fight them to save the woman, and you get a choice at the end. Either option results in her being saved, but the second option gets you two fucked for hours.

      1. WTF says:

        i cannot find the new enemies or the room. im sad 🙁

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, if you want to see video of that new scene, here is it:
          About that H-Scene in new update 0.38 – Go on Altar where you save game and everything else and find 4-th area called “Rhodenia” with the orange background. Start from the left side and keep dropping down every chance you get, then you’ll run into two big sinner slaves talking about onaholes. You can choose to fight them to save the woman, and you get a choice at the end. Either option results in her being saved, but the second option gets you two fucked for hours.
          If you still can’t find it, let me know and i will see what i can do. 🙂

  78. zzp says:

    The rar is passcode protected. What’s the pass?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i don’t put password in any file. Only if developer protect file with password then i also share it always in game’s info. 🙂

  79. Blackmike says:

    The game creshes once i try to open de patched version, and the normal one too

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, download from backup link
      Try also to play without translator first and if everything is okey then it’s problem with that but i didn’t have any with this version.
      If you can, post a screenshot of problem here in comment so i will see if i can help. 🙂

      1. Blackmike says:

        thanks man

  80. jayes says:

    0.39 is out, I think!

  81. Acanis says:

    .39 is out

  82. danelpony says:

    anyone know where to find the new event?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, check game’s info, there is some kind of walkthrough how to find it. 🙂

  83. Obersol says:

    how to english translate?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, in game’s info there are 3 steps which you need to do + you need to download translator. 🙂

  84. jhiro0133 says:

    what’s new in 0.39?

    1. miladmin says:

      1 H-Scene and maybe some additions.

  85. Assshole says:

    I did all step from game’s info but i didn’t get translation.??

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, did you get new icon “NightofRevenge (Patch and Run)” after steps? When you open the game you will need to wait around 5 sec for every text’s translation because this is automatic. 🙂

  86. natsuna says:

    where can the new scene be found?

    1. miladmin says:

      For the new event spawn in at Area 6 from the top most option. Keep walking right, keep waking right past the drunks. Drop down and keep moving right into a loading screen. Keep walking right, can’t miss the event. It will trigger when you walk into it. Two options come up. If you want the game over event pick the top choice.

      1. noname says:

        I need a link orf the newest patch please, cant download from these site

  87. dontask says:

    Can someone comment a link every patch? those rapidgator stuffs are too slow, i cant even pay abroad for those fast files

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, beside this site, i am also working hard on second site where will be different kind of hosts which aren’t available here, but will be more ads (not aggressive like on other sites) and it should be completed in August. Currently there is around 1700 games.

      1. dontask says:

        Can you provide me a link now? Just wanna play it as soon as possible

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, everything will be available in 20-30 min. Sorry for waiting.

        2. miladmin says:

          Hello again, check my second site for new version in other host.

  88. blank says:

    ver 0.40 is out

  89. oooooof says:

    When do you think they’ll update to version 0.40 here?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, update will be available soon. 🙂

  90. Wall says:

    you are the best!

  91. Jay says:


    I am in gallery mode but only see 7 monsters in menu/list to watch, how do I see more?

    Thank you

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i am not sure why this happens because for every version i always see all monsters because save is included in file. Try to load a save and see if then gallery will be updated. 🙂

  92. Ben says:

    What’s new in this version please?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i think 2 new enemies and animations for them + 1 new event.

      1. hija says:

        where can i find that new event?

        1. miladmin says:

          It’s complicated to explain, i mean i also didn’t saw event but some people found it somehow. I think that this event is without sex scene. I will try to find some explanation. 🙂

  93. No says:

    Is there any way i can buy the game without having international credit card?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, where you want to buy it, on file hosts or? Maybe i will be able to help. But don’t worry if you wouldn’t be able to buy, because you will be able to play, i have second site where i use MEGA links – 🙂

      1. No says:

        I mean the maker of the game is really great, and the game cost like, a few dinners to me. I just wanna donate him. We all should help the dev so they can release more updates for us to play. You cant just be the only one doing the work here.

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, sure i also think in the same way, i hope that he will gets enough support to finish it. Problem with support for this games in Ci-En platform is that they accept only credit cards, i usually supports creator in Patreon via Paypal. But if this developer will decide to get some bonus support on Patreon like some other Japanese creators then it will be possible. 🙂

  94. danelpony says:

    New update

  95. Kira says:

    Yep, Ver 0.41 is out

    1. oooooof says:

      When do ya think it’ll be updated? And I wonder where we can get this after 1.0 releases.

      1. miladmin says:

        It’s coming soon on site, i am uploading it now. 🙂
        You mean where you will be able to buy full game?

        1. oooooof says:

          Wait, so will you be updating the game here even after official release? You know, 1.0?

        2. oooooof says:

          Sorry if I’m coming across as rude, I was just wondering since I have seen games that are passed v1.0

          1. miladmin says:

            Hello, no problem mate, actually sometimes games are completed with unusual version for example 0.6. It depends on creator, but you will always see new updates on site till the complete version, and if sometimes developer release DLC, it will be here too. 🙂

      2. Kira says:

        Most likely very soon, usually it takes a day of even less. Admin here is awesome, so i’m pretty sure we will get all updates.

        1. miladmin says:

          Thank you very much for the kind words. 🙂
          Update is out on site. 🙂

  96. danelpony says:

    Uff paizuri

  97. hija says:

    what’s new in ver 0.41?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, you can find in info change log for new version. 🙂

      1. mercedes says:

        Eyyy bro enjoying this game so much thanks 🙂
        But i can’t proceed at this part.. 🙁 know something about this area??
        I’ll link image for you

  98. mercedes says:

    Bro this can be stupid question.. but how do I save and exi

    t game?? Always what i get is new story savefiles

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i think that you can save on altar, and about exit i am not sure, there should be some button. 🙂
      You can always use latest save which is automatically provided for every new version. 🙂

  99. mercedes says:

    Heres the link i am having problem to proceed 🙁 pls take a look

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, i wish i can help but sadly i don’t have time to play this game anymore because of many games which i need to post and new updates.
      This game is little complicated to play because of language and earlier i had similar problems to find events like this one which you have now. I don’t have walkthrough for this game, only this map:
      I am not sure if it can help you, but you can take a look if you want mate. 🙂

  100. Chtalia says:

    im done instal & run transalate , but in game still use japanse language ? why i can change to full engglish

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, you must open “Run and Patch” file after everything and when you open game, you need to wait a couple of seconds and translator will automatically translate text. 🙂

      1. Demon says:

        What do u mean by patch and run file? I cant find it

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello friend, you must download first Translator which is in “Extra Content” and then follow this steps:
          1) Extract it in game’s folder
          2) Extract XUnity.AutoTranslator-ReiPatcher-4.11.2 and open SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator
          3) Open NightofRevenge (Patch and Run) and enjoy!
          Let me know if everything is fine. 🙂

  101. Riyo says:

    Hello admin, I downloaded from your rapid gator link but when I tried to extract it into a folder it just says “WARNING: No archives found” and “the archive is either in an unknown format or damaged”.

    What do I do about this, do I have to download again from the other links? If yes, which one?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, no problem mate, i have backup links on my second site: – please download it from there and tell me if it works. 🙂

  102. Sonnyboii says:

    0.42 is out

  103. oooooof says:

    .42 is out today

    1. Hija says:

      What’s new in version 0.42? Any event?

      1. miladmin says:

        Hello, there is 1 new scene and 1 new game over scene. You can check it in gallery. 🙂

  104. Milvra says:

    Were I can get a translate program?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, in Extra Content which is under main links, there is a translate program, also see instruction in info. 🙂

  105. Shizou says:

    Does anyone know what happened to the pregnant scene with the large slave from back in version 0.32? I’ll send a link for context, scene is at about 11:10 ish and starts to differ from the normal animation at about 9:55. Really wish this scene was in the game, any info would be great tbh

  106. Alibas says:

    help! when starting the game it doesn’t let me go up or down between the startup options, not even with the mouse. But in the same winrar it works normal, so I think I’m extracting it wrong or I don’t know, someone who knows how to solve it?

  107. SonnyBoi says:

    0.43 is out

    1. miladmin says:

      It will be on site soon. 🙂

  108. Akiyama says:

    Yo there’s a new update 🙂

    1. miladmin says:

      It will be on site soon. 🙂

  109. ihshtennek says:

    how do you remove the blur?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, new version 0.43 will be out soon and it will be uncensored version. 🙂

  110. dan says:

    where’s the prison? whats the closest save point to it?

  111. ihshtennek says:

    When I got the copy from the creator it is censored, so I wonder what change should i make to make it uncensored

    1. miladmin says:

      Yes, he must censor it because of site which he use to get support, and for uncensored you must change some codes which sadly i don’t know. I get uncensored version from my sources but i am not sure how they do it. You can download always uncensored version and translator from this site. 🙂

  112. noone says:

    Someone put new scence stuffs on xvids or prnhb pls

  113. ihshtennek says:

    0.44 out, Can’t wait for the uncensored version

    1. miladmin says:

      I already got uncensored version, it will be soon on site. 🙂

  114. Scarlet says:

    Hi, how exactly does the English patch works?
    I’ve extracted the Xunity Auto Translater in the game folder and run the NightofRevenge (Patch and Run) but the game is still in Japanese

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello you must extract XUnity.AutoTranslator-ReiPatcher-4.11.2, open SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator and run the NightofRevenge (Patch and Run). Game will be in Japanese first and then it will be fully translated to English. 🙂

    2. Kira says:

      Make sure you are connected to internet, patcher is not offline, it translates game in real time via some built in auto translator like google translate.

  115. B says:

    After I download the 2 RAR file how do I run the game?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, extract both files and do this installation for English translator:
      English Translator:
      1) Extract it in game’s folder
      2) Extract XUnity.AutoTranslator-ReiPatcher-4.11.2 and open SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator
      3) Open NightofRevenge (Patch and Run) and enjoy!

      1. J says:

        2) Extract XUnity.AutoTranslator-ReiPatcher-4.11.2 and open SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator

        I don’t see these files anywhere after extracting the game. Please help

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, please download file which is in “Extra Content” with MEGA link – That’s a Translator. 🙂
          But here is a link too:

  116. danelpony says:

    New update 0.45

  117. Kira says:

    Yes, ver0.45 is out.

  118. Loan_Shark says:

    hey mate where is the prison bottom right, at least could u possibly tell me the level of that prison where the new erotic scene happens.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hey mate, i think that i found that scene in previous update somehow, with help from other gamers. I will try to find that “text” as soon as possible and you will get it here in comment. Btw enjoy in new update which is now on site. 🙂

      1. jjea says:

        so, is there’s a dialogue? can you explain it more precisely?

        1. miladmin says:

          Well, I am not pretty sure, I think it’s event and here is how you can get it: Info about Prison: “5th Location 2nd spawn. Keep going down till you reach bottom floor and go right until you find the elevator that leads down to the basement jail. Break the wrecking ball upstairs. See the scene.

    2. miladmin says:

      Hello again, here is info about Prison: “5th Location 2nd spawn. Keep going down till you reach bottom floor and go right until you find the elevator that leads down to the basement jail. Break the wrecking ball upstairs. See the scene.
      Tell me if you are able to find it with this info. 🙂

      1. jjaea says:

        is it a event? or just a scene by the girl with red – energy – boots – thingy?

        1. miladmin says:

          Hello, it’s event I think and it’s hard to find like the most events in game. 😀

          1. Sir Kevein says:

            So I tried this, are you referring to when the wrecking ball hits you and you get chained to the horse? Or is this one of those hidden events with dialogue

          2. miladmin says:

            Hello, yes this is that hidden event from previous version. 🙂

  119. ihshtennek says:

    Do you know what ACT Ryona is? The creator always mentions it in the update but I don’t know what that is

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, this is from the Wikipedia: refers to a genre of fiction and sexual complex wherein a protagonist, usually female, is subject to physical or psychological abuse from an offender who is usually male.

    2. brutalKing says:

      ACT is action ryona is physical abuse fetish.

  120. Dan says:

    When is 0.46 released?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, it should be this month but I am not sure when. 🙂

  121. danelpony says:

    New version 0.46 :3

  122. SonnyBoi says:

    What’s new in 0.46?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, I currently don’t have change log but will try to find it as soon as possible. I only saw one scene in gallery with big knight.

      1. miladmin says:

        Added change log. 🙂

  123. hijaa says:

    what’s new in version 0.46? only 1 gallery update?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, I currently don’t have change log but will try to find it as soon as possible. I only saw one scene in gallery with big knight.

      1. miladmin says:

        Added change log. 🙂

  124. Dan says:

    Thank you for your updates!

    1. miladmin says:

      You’re welcome. Enjoy mate! 🙂

  125. Bored says:

    Does anybody know where the new Minotaur enemy spawns?

  126. noone says:

    Someone upload these scenes on xvideos please, set them as “Night of r.” . After the pornhub ban , nobody seems uploading enough scenes of the game

    1. ur a fag says:

      get fucked

  127. Wall says:

    what happen to the first game over scene, the one with the green demons
    and what is up with the blood in the game over scene?

    1. -C says:

      got the same “bug” maybe some corupted files? or does the Dev, made this mistake with game over scenes?

      but thanks for the upload anyways

  128. Crow says:

    Got the same “bug” its a matter of corupted files? or did the dev made this mistake?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, it can be bug but I am not sure really. There can be a possibility that developer removed it from the game, but I don’t see a reason for it so I am not sure. 🙂

  129. Wall says:

    i guess we will wait for the next update

  130. Jinbei says:

    when the new update release

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, I think in maybe 2-3 weeks. 🙂

  131. Dan says:

    Anybody know why the blacksmith event won’t work? I’ve tried it on multiple saves with no luck. Is there something you have to do to get it to activate?

  132. Uabrokeass says:

    yeah get fucked

  133. Bruh says:

    Anybody know when the new update is coming?

  134. danelpony says:

    New update 0.47

  135. AberLine says:

    When here will be new update?

  136. Kira says:

    Yep, ver0.47 is out.

    1. tameer says:

      no is not

    2. tamere says:

      stfu is not out now

      1. Kira says:

        Are you retarded or what? Open your fucking eyes and check D-lis twitter, you moron.

        1. ahhala says:

          stfu retard was not up in the site

  137. Maker444 says:

    Where can I found the 0.47 version?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, I got new version, it will be available soon on site. 🙂

  138. Saga says:

    I’m a little confused on how to use the translator, I’m new to, this, and the things I’ve tried don’t seem to translate the game

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, no problem, I will help. 🙂
      First you need to download game, then download file which is below download links, in “Extra Content” which is Translator and then just do this steps:
      1) Extract it in game’s folder
      2) Extract XUnity.AutoTranslator-ReiPatcher-4.11.2 and open SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator
      3) Open NightofRevenge (Patch and Run) and enjoy!

  139. John Johnson says:

    What’s new in 0.47?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, I think 2 new scenes in gallery. 🙂

  140. wololo says:

    No news with p.48?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, I think it will be out today. 🙂

  141. Mike says:

    How the heck can I use the map?

  142. SonnyBoii says:

    Version 0.48 is out

    1. miladmin says:

      Coming soon on site. 🙂

  143. Khynder says:

    I’m assuming it’s just those two scenes still no new events or anything of the sort?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, I think 2 normal and 1 ryona scene. About events I am not sure. 🙂

  144. mikexxx07 says:

    Guys, how can I move my saves from 0.47 to 0.48?

  145. Xyrenity says:

    thank you very much for your consistent updating of the game from the dev.

    1. miladmin says:

      You’re welcome mate. Enjoy! 🙂

  146. Verdammst says:

    0.49 is out, thanks for always fast update.

  147. Verdammst says:

    0.49 is out now, thanks for always update.

  148. Dan says:

    Update is out

  149. SonnyBoii says:

    0.49 is out!

  150. yuli says:

    0.49 Has been updated.

  151. yuli min says:

    Version 0.48 is out

  152. sonnyball says:

    when would be the translation supplemented? Illusive event translation is not complete I guess.

    1. itsnotame says:

      use the unity autotranslator if its not already included. Works on a lot of unity games and patches the text in realtime while you’re playing the game

  153. Wall says:

    Thank you miladmin for the update!

    1. miladmin says:

      You’re welcome mate! Enjoy! 🙂

  154. Sero says:

    Hello in gallery mode i only see 7 monsters previously it was said if that’s the case that you shoud try to load one of the integrated save files. So now my question is how can you get from in game back to the main menu? Because when i simply load the save and close the game it does not cange the gallery.

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, well I am not sure about this because there are always 2 saves which you can use for new maps, scenes etc. And when I try new version I always see all monster scenes in gallery. Maybe you can play game from the beginning, like 5-10 min, then try to load some save and then go to the gallery. 🙂

  155. Kei says:

    does anyone know what area the prison girls are located in?

    1. Wall says:

      In the church far right when you take the elevator down. Where you found the zweihander basically!

  156. Wall says:

    When is the next update? The long awaited 0.50!!!

  157. Dan says:

    Hey, 0.50 just released

    1. Byxis says:

      Where is the new update?

    2. Byxis says:

      Where is the update?

  158. ihshtennek says:

    it seems like 0.50 update content is broken, I can only hear sound without scene. Is there a fix?

    1. ihshtennek says:

      The original download also did not work for me… All the other CGs are fine but the two newer ones, what could go wrong?

    2. miladmin says:

      Hello, new version is working fine for me, not sure what can be the problem. If creator will release some fix or fixed version, I will upload it. 🙂

  159. Wall says:

    They are working fine for me!

    1. Byxis says:

      Which download did you use?

      1. Wall says:

        The first one, Rapidgator

  160. Byxis says:

    Does anyone know where to find Bandage beast like dog in the stage areas?

  161. Scheiss says:

    0.51 is out!

  162. danelpony says:

    Wow new update 0.51, that was fast

  163. biomasss says:

    the translation of the new game over scene is not implemented, right? it isn’t correct I think.

  164. Byxis says:

    anyone know how to fix the cramped screen with the words squished together on inventory screen?

  165. Sonnyboi says:

    0.52 is out!

  166. Byxis says:

    New update V0.52 is out!

  167. Dan says:

    Thank you for always updating!

    1. miladmin says:

      You’re welcome friend. Enjoy! 🙂

  168. Agari says:

    bruh it’s been a few years since I’ve played this I don’t know how to save and get to the main menu, also I only have like 7 monsters in gallery wtf

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, for save you need to click on altars, and there should be option to get to the main menu. The best option is to use a translator. 🙂
      About monsters, I always have all in gallery, so I am not sure what can be the problem.

  169. Sonnyboii says:

    Version 0.53 is out!

  170. Byxis says:

    Where is 0.53?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, I have censored version but I am waiting for the uncensored. 🙂

      1. Byxis says:

        Where can I find the censored one?

  171. Byxis says:

    The two new acts aren’t uncensored but thats okay I guess.

  172. Tiulo says:

    Anyone have an idea how to remove the mosaic censor??

  173. Byxis says:

    Version 0.54 is out!

  174. Byxis says:

    Anyone know where to find the two muobuero? Or where is the path of requiescats?

  175. Hope says:

    No new version?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, I think that next version will be “Completed game” so we will need to wait. 🙂

      1. dakfox says:

        so 3 years and 10 mounths if we base it on updates

  176. Wall says:

    Oh nice do you have an idea when it will come out?

  177. will says:

    does anybody know how to exit menus like the status menu, I pressed every button i can however I am still stuck

  178. joe says:

    I’m stuck on the main menu, none of the buttons seem to be working and I’m wondering what to do.
    Thank you in advance.

  179. Hmm says:

    Can’t wait for the new update, I’m sure it’ll be fun

  180. Hey says:

    Final release is coming 10/29. Should we hope for seeing it here? ^^

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, sure. 🙂

  181. Carlos says:

    Hello, the final version has been released 😃

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, sure, it’s available now. We will post uncensored version as soon as possible. 🙂

      1. Ghost008 says:

        How long the uncensored version will take to release???????????????

  182. Ghost says:

    Hello,How long will it take to upload the uncensored version??????????????

  183. CosmicNeko says:

    will there be a version uploaded with a complete save file?

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, yes we will try to post Uncensored version with complete save file as soon as possible. 🙂

  184. Hope says:

    there anything new with this version?

  185. ghost00 says:

    How long will it take to upload the uncensored version??

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, we will try to upload as soon as possible, when uncensored patch will be out of course. 🙂

    2. Mhm says:

      The author said on his blog that he censored the actual game data for the release instead of relying on runtime censoring like he did before. I guess that may be a problem if there is content which never made it to public in its uncensored state

  186. Casscette says:

    Here’s an uncensored version (also modded in someway, didn’t test it all)

    1. miladmin says:

      Hello, thank you. I will post this as soon as possible. 🙂

    2. Slayer says:

      Well I wish I saw your message before finishing the censored version cus it really is uncensored lol thx for sharing !

  187. sloth says:

    is there a version where its uncensored and the enemies still have there body part was wondering as ive noticed that ones line the scarecrow lose one of there arm when a animation is in the second stage

  188. yudai says:

    can anyone explain how to exit from iventory pls, i keep being look in there and dont know how to exit

  189. Lync says:

    The game wont let me out of the first area, after i defeated the bandit leader and interacted with the event near the crates the game zoom in and completely freeze EVERY SINGLE TIME
    i dont know what cause this i really wanted to play from level 0 right when the translation got much better this bug show up

  190. qwertyuioplkjhgfdsa says:

    Anyone else getting stuck from moving onto new areas, or interacting with anything to make progress? The popup for a scene will not play if you interact with them and you will be locked forever until you close the game

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